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Asking the probing questions, sharing convincing information, and stringing together audio clips has become a passion of mine. Audio production takes out the visual aspect of storytelling and encourages me to find ways to share my personality as well as the personality of my interviewees which makes the preparation and editing portions of this work all the more important.

Stories With CFANS Student Leaders.png

This is a set of podcast episodes about the student organizations and leaders at the University of Minnesota in the CFANS College. 

National AG day psa.png

Here is an informational public service announcement highlighting ways for people to get involved with National Ag Day activities.

University of Minnesota, Twin Cities (2)

This is a short advertisement listing why incoming students should live in Bailey Hall and how they can get more information.

University of Minnesota, Twin Cities (3)

This is a documentary-style piece highlighting the legendary dairy judging team at the University of Minnesota and one of its senior members.

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